What To Do After a Divorce In Colorado

Divorce can be an emotionally exhausting, life-altering experience. It brings with it a host of changes—some anticipated, others unexpected—that may leave you feeling lost, overwhelmed, and unsure of how to move forward.

While the end of a marriage is undoubtedly painful, it can also be an opportunity for a fresh start, a chance to rediscover yourself, and an opening to rebuild a life that is more aligned with your true needs and desires.

If you're wondering what to do after a divorce, you're not alone. Here’s a guide to help you navigate the aftermath and take concrete steps toward rebuilding your life.

Allow Yourself to Grieve

First and foremost, it's essential to understand that divorce is a significant loss, even if the separation was mutual or amicable.

The end of a marriage can feel like the death of a part of your life, and it's okay to grieve for that loss.

Grieving doesn’t have a set timeline, so don’t rush yourself. You might feel a variety of emotions ranging from anger and sadness to relief and fear, sometimes all in the same day. Allow yourself to process these feelings without judgment. Whether you talk to a friend, join a support group, or seek therapy, find ways to express your emotions instead of bottling them up.

Seek Professional Support

Divorce can stir up emotional and psychological struggles, so seeking help from a therapist or counselor can be incredibly beneficial. A professional can guide you through the grieving process and help you manage feelings of loss, guilt, and confusion.

In addition to emotional support, you may also need legal and financial guidance. A financial planner can help you manage the financial complexities of divorce, while a lawyer can assist with any remaining legal concerns, especially if you share custody of children or own significant assets. Don’t hesitate to lean on professionals to navigate the challenges that lie ahead.

Hire a Divorce Attorney

While navigating the emotional and financial aspects of divorce is challenging, ensuring you have the right legal guidance is equally important. Hiring a skilled Denver divorce attorney is crucial to making sure your rights are protected throughout the process.

  • Why You Need a Divorce Attorney: Divorce laws vary by state, and each case can have its own complexities involving property division, spousal support, child custody, and more. An experienced attorney can help you understand the nuances of your situation and advocate for a fair settlement.
  • Legal Advice Tailored to Your Needs: A good divorce attorney will provide advice tailored to your specific needs. Whether you are seeking joint custody of children, concerned about spousal support, or dealing with the division of significant assets, an attorney will ensure that your best interests are represented.
  • Mediation and Settlement: Many divorce cases settle outside of court through mediation. A divorce attorney can help you negotiate a fair settlement without going to trial, saving you time, money, and emotional strain.
  • Peace of Mind: Most importantly, having a qualified attorney allows you to focus on your personal healing, knowing that the legal aspects of your divorce are in capable hands. With professional support, you can avoid common legal pitfalls and ensure that your post-divorce life starts on the right footing.

Whether your divorce is relatively straightforward or involves complex financial or custody matters, a divorce attorney can provide the legal guidance and support you need to protect your future.

Reassess Your Finances

Divorce often leads to a complete restructuring of your financial situation. You’ll likely face changes to your income, living expenses, and any shared assets or debts. Start by taking stock of your new financial landscape.

  • Create a budget: List all your expenses and compare them to your post-divorce income. This can help you prioritize spending and find areas where you may need to cut back.
  • Review assets and debts: Make sure you understand how your assets (like savings, investments, and real estate) and liabilities (like credit card debt or loans) have been divided. You may need to adjust your financial goals accordingly.
  • Consider long-term financial planning: Now is a good time to think about your future. Meet with a financial advisor to discuss retirement plans, insurance needs, and savings goals in this new phase of life.

Establish a New Routine

Your daily life may have changed drastically post-divorce, especially if you moved to a new home, changed jobs, or are adjusting to sharing custody of children. Creating a stable routine can help you regain a sense of control.

Start small. Set regular times for meals, work, and self-care. If you have children, establishing a consistent schedule for visits or custody arrangements can help them adjust, too.

  • Focus on self-care: Set aside time for activities that nurture your physical, emotional, and mental well-being. Whether it’s exercising, meditating, or simply taking a few minutes each day to relax, self-care is crucial during this period of change.
  • Try something new: Use this time as an opportunity to explore new hobbies or revisit old interests. Doing things you enjoy can reignite passions that might have taken a backseat during your marriage.

Reconnect with Yourself

During a marriage, it’s common to compromise certain aspects of your personal identity to prioritize the relationship. After a divorce, it's important to reconnect with yourself and rediscover who you are as an individual.

  • Reflect on your values and goals: Take time to evaluate your personal goals and the values that matter most to you. You may find that your priorities have shifted post-divorce, and that's okay. Consider what kind of life you want to build moving forward.
  • Rebuild confidence: Divorce can sometimes leave you feeling unsure of yourself, especially if it took an emotional toll. To rebuild your self-esteem, focus on small, positive actions each day. Celebrate your strengths and accomplishments, no matter how small.

Rebuild Your Social Circle

One of the hardest aspects of divorce can be the potential shift in your social circle. Friends who were once mutual may drift away, or you may feel uncomfortable around couples. However, this is also an opportunity to cultivate new relationships and strengthen existing ones.

  • Reach out to supportive friends and family: Don’t isolate yourself. Stay connected with people who support you and understand what you're going through.
  • Join a group: Whether it’s a local meetup, hobby group, or online community, finding a group with shared interests can introduce you to new people and provide emotional support.
  • Consider dating when you're ready: While it’s important not to rush into another relationship, you may eventually feel ready to date again. Take your time and enter the dating world at your own pace, with a focus on meeting people who align with your current goals and values.

Co-Parenting After Divorce

If you share children with your ex-spouse, learning to co-parent effectively is crucial for your children’s well-being. The goal is to ensure a healthy, supportive environment for your kids, even though your relationship with your ex has changed.

  • Communicate effectively: Keep communication focused on your children and avoid bringing up old arguments or grievances.
  • Consistency is key: Work with your ex to maintain consistent rules, schedules, and expectations for your kids in both households.
  • Put your children first: It's essential to prioritize your children’s emotional needs and work together to help them adjust to the new family structure.

Rediscover Your Independence

Divorce can sometimes leave you feeling like a part of your life has been taken away. But it’s also an opportunity to rediscover your independence.

  • Embrace solo decision-making: You no longer need to consult a spouse on every decision. From how you spend your money to what you do with your free time, you’re in control now.
  • Set new goals: Without the constraints of a marriage, you have the freedom to set new personal, professional, and life goals. Dream big and pursue the things that excite you.

Plan for the Future

While divorce is an ending, it’s also a new beginning. Use this time to plan for the future—whether it’s focusing on your career, investing in your hobbies, or even considering new relationships down the road.

  • Set career goals: Whether you’re looking for a new job, going back to school, or striving for a promotion, now is the perfect time to focus on your career ambitions.
  • Reevaluate personal goals: Think about what you want to achieve personally. It could be traveling, learning a new skill, or simply living a life that aligns more with your values.

Embrace Your New Beginning

Finally, remember that divorce, while challenging, offers a chance for a fresh start. Give yourself permission to move forward and embrace the possibilities that lie ahead. By focusing on your well-being, reconnecting with yourself, and building a strong support network, you can emerge from your divorce stronger and more empowered.

Though the road after a divorce may feel uncertain at first, it’s also an opportunity to create a fulfilling life. Take things one day at a time, and don’t be afraid to seek help when needed. With time, patience, and self-care, you’ll find yourself moving toward a brighter, happier future.

Author - Nurlana Alasgarli
Nurlana Alasgarli           

Content Specialist

Nurlana Alasgarli is a professional copywriter with more than 6 years of creative writing experience. Having lived and experienced all over the world, there are many writing genres that Nurlana follows, including adventure, outdoor and motorbiking. Nurlana brings life to content creation, captivating her readers.


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